by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
You sell a high quality tree! I ordered first from Millers, who offered two cultivars, both thrived and fruited. The next year I splurged for six from a Midwest nursery [deliberately unnamed] —very small, pricey, and uninspiring. I ordered from you the next season and...
by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
I must thank you again for the pawpaws I ordered. They are doing great. I had no luck with container and bare root pawpaws before. In fact, I am so pleased with their quality that I am going to recommend your trees to my all my nursery customers. I would like to...
by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
Trees arrived in good shape. Have them planted and I think they’re smilin’ ! Pity is, I probably won’t live here for more than a few years, am returning to West Virginia when I retire. But I hope to instill an interest in the pawpaws to the family...
by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
The pawpaw trees I purchased from you in April 2004 and April 2005 are doing well. Almost all produced fruit this year — very nice flavor and size!
by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I opened my box of three trees this morning and was I impressed! I just wish that it hadn’t taken me almost two years to get my first ones from you. The packing was, without doubt, the most professional that I have seen from any...
by Liesl Lukacs | Jun 18, 2021 | Testimonial
Today I went to the CRFG scion exchanged and have started making local contacts. One member, Pete, has a large patch in Los Altos Hills about 15 min. away. Some other member indicated you had worked with him at one point. Hopefully I can talk with him more as today...
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