Thank you for the 4 Shenandoah’s you sent me — all 4, although very pathetic looking when they arrived, have leafed out and look like they are all going to pull through.  I even had to pick off a zebra swallowtail caterpillar off one—very exciting for us as we raise butterfly and preying mantis’s every year.  We’ll let the zebra swallowtails alone next year.

Thank you also for recommending Nolin River Nut Nursery; they sent me a Sunflower, an Overleese and an NC-1, so I now have pollinators galore.  The trees from them were of high quality, shipped with most, if not all, of the taproot and feeder roots still alive.  They are all doing well and I am sure you made an excellent choice with Nolin River.

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